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Junior Klezmer Orchestra
Alumni Feature: Then and Now
JKO Vintage Band Pic (1).jpg

Allison Zabelin

(Was in JKO 1999-2007; 10-18 years old)


Orchestra teacher in the public school system and freelance musician in classical and other ensembles

In a few words, how did your time in the JKO influence the trajectory of your career?


Gaining knowledge and experience playing a type of music I'd never played really helped improve my musicianship "instrumentally!" I became so much better at both reading music and at improvising through my time with JKO!

Besides your career, how has the music and "Yiddishkeit" (Jewish content) you learned in JKO enriched your adult life?


Having an opportunity to hangout with other Jewish youngsters with a shared interest enhanced my love of Judaism, which inspired me to seek out a college with an active Jewish life. There I made some of my best friends with whom I often celebrate Jewish holidays.


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